Lookout Labs 应用

Ad-Network Scanner & Detector 1.2
Lookout Labs
❐ About Ad-Network Scanner & DetectorLookout Ad Network Scanner & Detector scans your Androidphone or tablet for the presence of ad networks on your device.With Lookout Ad Network Detector, you’ll be able to understand adnetworks' capabilities and see what private information they’reaccessing.✰ “The best app to scan for adware on Android.”✰ “Informative and the link to opt out of targeted advertising ishelpful.”✰ “Everything that Lookout does is awesome!”Don't forget to also download Lookout Security &Antivirus from Play Store: http://ap.lookout.com/SH3m , for completeAndroid protection including free antivirus, backup, find lostphone and more.Smartphone usage has skyrocketed, and some advertisers havebegun to experiment with aggressive, new techniques to display adson mobile devices. This includes pushing ads to the standardAndroid notification bar, dropping generically designed icons onthe mobile desktop, and modifying browser settings like bookmarksor the default homepage.Because each of these techniques can display an advertisementoutside the context of a specific application, it's very difficultfor users to know exactly which app is responsible for any givenad. Lookout Ad Network Scanner & Detector provides a method forusers to determine which ad network and application are the sourcesfor such ads.It's also common for ad networks to collect information thatidentifies a specific device or user for use in targeted marketingcampaigns. Much like for browser-based ads, this practice allowsusers to see more personalized or relevant ads. Despitepermissions-based information access, it is often difficult for theusers to understand what aspects of their information are collectedby ad networks.Lookout Ad Network Scanner & Detector gives you insight intowhat types of ads can be displayed, and what information isgathered by the ad networks. With easy access to this information,you'll be able to decide whether you want to keep the app that hascertain ad networks on your phone. We've designed Ad NetworkScanner & Detector to make the practices supporting mobileadvertising more transparent to the average user.Lookout Ad Network Scanner & Detector detects many but not allad networks. Alphabetical List of Ad Networks Detected:AdFonic / AdKnowledge / Admia / AdMob / Aduru / AdWhirl / AirAd/ AirPush / Appenda / Burstly / BuzzCity / Casee / Cauly /Everbadge / GreyStripe / InMobi / IZP / JumpTap / LeadBolt /LogiaAd / Letang / MDotM / Medialets / Millennial / MobClix /MobFox / MOcean / Moolah Media / MoPub / Pontiflex / Smaato /StartApp / Tapit! / TapJoy / Vdopia / Vserv / Youmi / ZestAdz❐ About Lookout LabsLookout Ad Network Scanner & Detector is a project of theLabs division of Lookout Mobile Security. The goal of Lookout Labsis to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of mobile apps.Labs projects are experimental by nature, and may only beavailable for a limited time.❐ About Lookout Inc.Lookout builds security technology that protects people,businesses, governments, and critical infrastructure from thegrowing threats in the post-PC era.Visit our website https://www.lookout.com/ to learn more aboutus.❐ About Lookout Security & AntivirusLookout Ad Network Scanner & Detector is currently onlyavailable in English; and is not a replacement for Lookout Security& Antivirus.Downloading Lookout Security & Antivirus (http://ap.lookout.com/SH3m) is the best wayto keep your phone & tablet safe from malware and spyware,backup your data, and locate, scream, lock, or wipe a lost or stolenmobile device.Lookout Security & Antivirus is available in German, French,Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional andSimplified), Korean, Russian and Polish.© 2012 Lookout, Inc. All rights reserved. Patents pending.
DroidDream Malware Cleaner 1.1
Lookout Labs
❐ About DroidDream Malware CleanerLookout DroidDream Malware Cleaner diagnoses and repairs phonesinfected with DroidDream Malware.✰ “Like all Lookout apps - honest, simple and effective!”✰ “My phone isn't infected! I also have Lookout, so I'm notsurprised my phone is in the all clear.”✰ “Love Lookout! They are THE mobile security people.”Don't forget to also download Lookout Security &Antivirus from Play Store: http://ap.lookout.com/SH3s , for completeAndroid protection including free antivirus, backup, find lostphone and more.Google pulled more than 50 apps from the Android Market afterthey were found to contain the Android malware DroidDream. If youthink your phone is infected with DroidDream, download this cleanerapp.To determine whether your phone is infected, download and runDroidDream Cleaner. If you are infected, DroidDream Cleaner willdelete the malicious files and repair any damage to yoursystem.For more information on this malware, checkout our blog https://blog.lookout.com/droiddream/❐ About Lookout LabsDroidDream Malware Cleaner is a project of the Labs division ofLookout Mobile Security. The goal of Lookout Labs is to explore newideas and push the boundaries of mobile apps.Labs projects are experimental by nature, and may only beavailable for a limited time.❐ About Lookout Inc.Lookout builds security technology that protects people,businesses, governments, and critical infrastructure from thegrowing threats in the post-PC era.Visit our website https://www.lookout.com/ to learn more aboutus.❐ About Lookout Security & AntivirusLookout DroidDream Malware Cleaner is not a replacement forLookout Security & Antivirus, and will not detect or repairother malware strains. Lookout DroidDream Malware Cleaner is onlyavailable in English.Downloading Lookout Security & Antivirus (http://ap.lookout.com/SH3s) is the best wayto keep your phone & tablet safe from malware and spyware,backup your data, and locate, scream, lock, or wipe a lost or stolenmobile device.Lookout Security & Antivirus is available in German, French,Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional andSimplified), Korean, Russian and Polish.© 2012 Lookout, Inc. All rights reserved. Patents pending.
CarrierIQ Scanner & Protection 1.1.1
Lookout Labs
❐ About CarrierIQ Scanner &ProtectionCarrierIQ Scanner & Protection helps determine whether ornot your phone contains Carrier IQ mobile diagnostic software.✰ “Simple and reliable, and from a known and reliable company -Lookout!”✰ “Lookout always presents the best security apps!”✰ “Very informative! Thanks for going into detail about thisissue!”Don't forget to also download Lookout Security &Antivirus from Play Store: http://ap.lookout.com/SH3o , for completeAndroid protection including free antivirus, backup, find lostphone and more.Security researchers have recently determined that a number ofconsumer mobile devices contain pre-installed software from CarrierIQ. While this software appears to be designed to help mobilenetwork operators improve coverage through metrics tracking, itdoes not provide a clear opt-out path for users. Additionally, itcan be difficult for non-technical users to determine whether ornot their handset is affected.We've developed the Carrier IQ Detector to aid in this process inan effort to keep mobile users fully informed about what theirphone is doing.Note: This application does not remove Carrier IQ software fromyour device. Because Carrier IQ software is deeply integrated withhandset firmware, users would be required to attain special deviceprivileges in order to remove it. Side effects of this process havethe potential to put users at further risk of malware infectionwhile making devices ineligible to receive firmware updates in thefuture.If you are sure you know what you are doing and would like toremove Carrier IQ software from your phone, there are a number ofguides available online.If you have made previous attempts to remove Carrier IQ softwarefrom your device, our Detector may still report its presence. Thiscan be caused by incomplete removal attempts that do not remove allrelevant files.Both of the permissions are only used if you choose to shareyour results with us. CM users may revoke both permissions and theapp will still function.❐ About Lookout LabsCarrierIQ Scanner & Protection is a project of the Labsdivision of Lookout Mobile Security. The goal of Lookout Labs is toexplore new ideas and push the boundaries of mobile apps.Labs projects are experimental by nature, and may only beavailable for a limited time.❐ About Lookout Inc.Lookout builds security technology that protects people,businesses, governments, and critical infrastructure from thegrowing threats in the post-PC era.Visit our website https://www.lookout.com to learn more aboutus.❐ About Lookout Security & AntivirusCarrierIQ Scanner & Protection is not a replacement forLookout Security & Antivirus. CarrierIQ Scanner &Protection is only available in English.Downloading Lookout Security & Antivirus (http://ap.lookout.com/SH3o) is the best wayto keep your phone & tablet safe from malware and spyware, backup your data, and locate, scream, lock, or wipe a lost or stolenmobile device.Lookout Security & Antivirus is available in German, French,Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional andSimplified), Korean, Russian and Polish.© 2012 Lookout, Inc. All rights reserved. Patents pending.